- Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Phillips, "Introduction à l'infographie", Ed. Addison-Wesley.
- B. Peroche, J. Argence, D. Ghazanfarpour, D. Michelucci, "La synthèse d'images", Ed. Hermes.
- F.R.A. Hopgood, D.A. Duce, D.J. Johnston, "La norme infographique PHIGS", Ed. Masson.
- Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, "Computer Graphics, principles and practice", Ed. Addison-Wesley,
- Foley, Van Dam, "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics", Ed. Addison-Wesley.
- P. Burger, D. Gillies, "Interactive Computer Graphics", Ed.
- D.F. Rogers, J.A. Adams, "Mathematical elements for computer graphics", Ed. Mc Graw Hill.
- M. Mantyla, "An introduction to solid modeling", Principles of computer science series.
- A.S. Glassner, "Principles of Digital Image Synthesis", Ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
- A.L. Ames, D.R. Nadeau, J.L. Moreland, "The VRML sourcebook", Ed. Wiley.